Evaluation Metrics for IR

Basic Terms and Metrics

For brevity of notation below let us define the number of relevant documents among the first k retrieved documents as #rel@k.

relevant A document in the result list of a query is relevant, if it fulfills the users information need. For 20 Newsgroups test corpus a retrieved document is relevant to a query document if it belongs to the same newsgroup.
yield For a query: Total number of relevant document in test corpus
precision@k #rel@k divided by number of retrieved documents. E.g. P@10 = #rel@10 / 10.
recall #rel@k divided by yield (total number of relevant documents in corpus).

Interpolated Precision

Sometimes the precision increases after we see more result documents. ...

Precision-Recall Curve


The R-precision measures the precision at yield. This equals by definition the recall. An ideal retrieval system has an R-precision of 1.0 for every query.

Average-Precision, MAP